Course Requests And Scheduling
Course Requests
The course request process typically begins in January. At that time, students will receive a copy of the new Course of Study Guide for the following school year. Course selection classroom presentations will also take place at that time. Students will make their initial course requests, and bring their course request sheets home to be signed by parents/guardians. Individual counselor/student planning conferences will take place between January and April. Course requests, as well as college and career goals are reviewed during each conference. Students will be able to change course requests with parent approval until May 1st.
Students are encouraged to plan their course requests carefully, and take into consideration their own interests and goals, as well as New York State graduation requirements. When planning their course of study, students should read course descriptions carefully, and make note of any course prerequisites. Students should research the typical entrance requirements for the kind of college or school, or the type of work they hope to pursue after graduation. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with parents/guardians, teachers and school counselors throughout this process.
Schedule Changes and Minimum Credits
Students are required to be scheduled for a minimum of 6.5 credits each academic year. Schedule changes may be requested until the Friday of the 1st full week of school for full year courses, and the Friday of the 1st full week of class for semester courses. Please note that schedule changes require parent/guardian approval, are subject to course availability and students maintaining a course load of 6.5 credits. Students wishing to request a schedule change should fill out and submit the 2024-2025 Schedule Change Request Google Form.